Vesta Control Panel is a simple and easy to use open source web hosting control panel.
It has a clean interface and lots of useful features that will help you to host your website on your VPS.
It can be installed on RHEL 5, RHEL 6, CentOS 5, CentOS 6, Debian 7, Ubuntu 12.04 , Ubuntu 12.10, Ubuntu 13.04, Ubuntu 13.10, and Ubuntu 14.04 operating systems.
Some useful features of the control panel include
- Easy backup and restore
- Web log viewer
- Server monitoring
- Web, DNS, mail and database management
- SSL Certificates and SNI Support
- Auto Updates
Installation of Vesta Control Panel is easy and fast.
You will only need to download Vesta from the official website to your VPS and run the installation script
Log in to your VPS
Once you log in to your VPS, make sure that the system is up to date.
ssh root@IP_address
apt-get update apt-get upgrade
yum -y update
Install curl if it is not yet installed
apt-get install curl
yum install curl
Download Vesta Panel
Go to the official website and download the installation script by running the following command
curl -O
Change Permissions
After the download is complete make the script executable and execute it.
The script will install the latest version of Vesta Control Panel
chmod +x
Proceed with the installation by pressing ‘y’ and follow the instructions.
Before the installation starts, you will need to enter a valid email address and your hostname. This script will install all packages that are required by Vesta Control Panel, and the installation may take up to 15 minutes.
Once the installation is complete the following information will be displayed
------------------------------ https://IP_ADDRESS:8083 username: admin password: F6kG3KAzYN ------------------------------- Congratulations,you have successfully installed Vesta Control Panel.
If you want to change the administrator password you run the following command
/usr/local/vesta/bin/v-change-user-password admin MYNEWPASSWORD
Where MYNEWPASSWORD is your actual password. Make sure that the password is strong.
Now on your favorite web browser type https://IP_ADDRESS:8083 to access the your admin account.
You are now ready to start using Vesta Control Panel.
For more information on how to use and configure Vesta Control Panel kindly check their official documentation