PKNIC was registered in 1992 to manage .pk domain registry. PKNIC registers a domain at Rs 1000 per year for local Pakistan. Foreigner pay $24 charged biannually.
Google Ranking within Pakistan
Websites with .pk domains are localized by Google to Pakistan. .pk website have better Google ranking for the same content within Pakistan when compared with other Top Level Domains.
Any business in Pakistan serving Pakistan people need to invest in a .pk website, this will help the business to stand out online when compare to other website with different Top Level Domain within Pakistan.
Pakistan Business Credibility
Pakistan people know that business and websites with .pk domain serve Pakistan. A business or online service running .pk domain will receive better visibility in Pakistan with the same content as compared to other top level domain name
Open and Affordable
.PK domain is just Rs1000 for Pakistan resident and $24 for a foreigner. Invest in a .pk domain for your business or brand serving Pakistan.
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